Michael Gervais Advice on What Books to Read

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Compete to Create by
Michael Gervais
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"Through relationships nosotros become..."

Compete to Create was an infrequent presentation. I really enjoyed this one. Despite its somewhat short length, the book is dumbo, and full of incredibly valuable, actionable advice.
This is an audio presentation; a collaboration between Michael Gervais and Pete Carroll, with Gervais doing the lion's share of the narration.

Mindset is an incredibly interesting topic to me. Mindset can make or break a situation. It can chart the class of whatever endeavor, as well a

"Through relationships we get..."

Compete to Create was an exceptional presentation. I actually enjoyed this 1. Despite its somewhat short length, the book is dense, and total of incredibly valuable, actionable advice.
This is an audio presentation; a collaboration between Michael Gervais and Pete Carroll, with Gervais doing the lion'south share of the narration.

Mindset is an incredibly interesting topic to me. Mindset can brand or pause a situation. It can chart the class of whatever endeavor, as well as your entire life. Mindset tin can be the deviation between thriving and only surviving, and fifty-fifty life and death.
[Notation: This review may be a bit longer than usual. Sadly, there is no printed version of this one, so near of my notes from the book will be included here; mainly for my own future reference, but also for anyone else interested.]

Co-writer Michael Gervais is 1 of (if not the) all-time sports operation psychologists in the world. Gervais works in the trenches of high-stakes environments with some of the best in the earth, training the mindset skills and practices essential to pursuing and revealing one'south potential. His clients include world tape holders, Olympians, internationally acclaimed artists and musicians, MVPs from every major sport and Fortune 100 CEOs.
A published, peer-reviewed writer and recognized speaker on optimal human performance, Dr. Gervais has been featured by NBC, ABC, Play tricks, CNN, ESPN, NFL Network, Carmine Bull TV, The Wall Street Periodical, New York Times, Outside Magazine, WIRED, ESPN Magazine, and others.

Michael Gervais:

Co-writer Peter Clay Carroll is an American football jitney who is the head coach and executive vice president for the Seattle Seahawks of the National Football League. He was previously the head football coach at USC, where he won 6 bowl games and a BCS National Championship Game.

Pete Carroll:

I first came beyond Gervais in Roy F. Baumeister'southward book The Power of Bad; which was fantabulous. Baumeister talks nigh how Gervais successfully coached Felix Baumgartner for his record-breaking 2012 spring from the border of space. Baumgartner, an accomplished BASE jumper with thousands of jumps nether his belt, virtually washed out at the last minute. He was overcome with feelings of anxiety and trepidation around putting on the special pressurized suit that he would demand to wear for the jump.
Mentioned past Gervais near the end of the book; the story is incredible. Basically, at that place had been four years of preparation for this jump, and tens of millions of dollars in sponsorship and investment on the line. Helping Felix overcome his fear was no small matter...

If mindset, excellence, and mastery are topics of interest to you, then Michael Gervais is someone who should exist on your radar. There's a reason that he'south 1 of the globe's preeminent performance coaches. He really knows his shit. He is a 18-carat, authentic, intelligent, and down-to-earth persona; who delivers benign communication for anyone looking to better themselves.

To aid the reader work towards self-betterment, mastery, and life fulfillment, Gervais lays out a rough road map hither. He begins by advising the reader to develop their ain personal philosophy. He mentions the importance of mindfulness, and training related to it. Being present is a large part of mindfulness.

He mentions exposing vulnerability: "It'southward the first thing we expect for in other people, and the last thing we reveal..."
From there, he recommends the reader develop a vision for their future. "What does success look like for you lot?" he asks.

To work towards that vision, he advises employing mental imagery exercises, which will help you to envision your hereafter successes. Gervais advises employing all five senses towards this end.
However, this vision-setting is a double-edged sword. It tin see you fulfill your dreams, or it tin become a negative self-fulfilling prophecy, if you let it.

Negativity and negative self-talk are also discussed at length. Carroll calls these "discursive thoughts." The authors say that the highly successful do not ruminate on negative cocky-talk or pessimism. If they meet problems, they focus on overcoming them. To be successful, you'll need to yank the leash on your negative idea patterns, and your pessimism. Gervais notes that most highly successful people are more optimistic than pessimistic. This mindset is not hard-coded into us though, he says, and notes that pessimism can be modulated with do and mindset training.

Viktor E. Frankl'due south Man's Search for Significant is as well mentioned numerous times here. An epic book; Gervais tells the reader Frankl's incredible life story, and his strive to say "Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything." Frankl's flying lessons were also talked about. If you lot aim for your target in a crosswind, you volition miss information technology. You have to overshoot.

To be successful requires you lot to separate the signal from the noise, the authors say. The noise is all around usa, competing for our attention. Information technology tin can come in the grade of negative people in your life, from social media, from politics, or even from the negative phonation inside your own head. To succeed we must learn to stay focused on the present moment, with a cool and calm perspective, regardless of the external weather we may find ourselves in.
Performing at loftier levels requires you to differentiate between what is and is not within your control. When y'all identify attention on things beyond your control, you lot take your focus and energy away from things you can control. Many things are beyond our control - nonetheless:

"100% of the time, you have the capacity to control y'all. Everything else is noise."

Gervais lays out a Forenoon Mindset Training that consists of 4 steps:
1) I breath. Take a deep breath, before you check your phone, or connect with the outside world. This will start your day with something that is 100% under your control, and help you to become more than connected to the betoken.
two) 1 idea of gratitude. Think of something yous are grateful for. This is an integration of thinking and feeling.
3) Ane intention. See yourself being aware, existence patient, being grounded. This is an image of you, at your best.
4) Be right where your feet are. Pull off your sheets! Accept a moment to feel the footing nether your anxiety.
All of these 4 steps are completely under your control. If you do this every morning, you volition prime parts of your brain that don't get exercised enough. Train your mind to be continued to what's nether your control.
"Go for it, and be authentically assuming."

Gervais besides discusses the power of grit in achieving one's goals; mentioning Angela Duckworth's book of the same name. Some other splendid book; Duckworth notes that dust solitary is often the sole determinant factor in who volition succeed in their goals, and who will not.
And although the environment you were built-in in, and your innate chapters will too play their roles, grit is something within your own control. Only you control when y'all determine to throw in the towel.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi'southward concept of Flow and flow states are also covered here. Gervais says that a child playing with toys is in a deep, natural, consummate state of flow.
A performer's Activation "sweet-spot" is besides discussed. Too little or too much arousal will produce negative results. There is a zone of activation; where peak performance occurs (run into beneath). Gervais calls this "finding your five."
The first step is to become aware of our placement on the activation calibration. The 2d step is to apply controlled breathing to bring us downward to our ideal activation level, if nosotros assess that nosotros are running hot. At ~3:55:30, Gervais says that nosotros tin can take deep breaths through our noses, and focus on exhaling for longer than we inhale. This volition deactivate our amygdala response, and allow our nervous system to tone it down.
At ~3:34:00, he goes over a guided mindfulness exercise.

In a theme that emerges over and over again in the books I've read on mastery; comfort zones, and comfort, in general, is discussed. We must move out of our comfort zones to achieve growth. However, this runs counter to our apish evolutionary wiring; which seeks comfort and security over taking risks.
Citing Joseph Campbell's The Hero's Journey, Gervais notes that many high performers seek out discomfort to amend their mindset. There is a reason that so many classic tales capture our imagination. The Hero's Journey has get entrenched in our cultural zeitgeist. IMHO, there may be a biological basis to this, as well, although that lies beyond the scope of this review...

"The cave you fright to enter holds the treasure you seek..."
~ Joseph Campbell

Finally, the book is fairly broad-based in nature. Although mindset is the focus hither; the functioning animal is a multi-faceted being. There are many ingredients that get into the high-operation recipe. Gervais besides discusses the importance of recovery here. He covers the importance of sleep in-depth, mentioning that it is not a bragging right to denote how little slumber you got the night earlier. A high-quality nutrition is also discussed, equally is adequate exercise.
Good stuff! GET Afterward Information technology!


Compete To Create is the best book on the performance mindset that I have read, to be honest.
There is something most Gervais that really resonates with me.
The value this book provides to someone looking to better their performance mindset is nearly incalculable. If y'all are in the field of functioning, and yous have non read this one, yous volition be at a distinct disadvantage.
It was so skillful, that I will likely come back and reread it from time to time.
An easy 5-star rating for this 1, as well as a top spot on my "favorites" shelf.

Aug 04, 2020 rated it actually liked it
Note: This is an audiobook review. This book is available as an Audible Original read by the authors
(Michael Gervais - a sports/performance psychologist with an extensive history of working with peak athletes and Pete Carroll, head coach of the NFL Seattle Seahawks)

This is an up to appointment (As of July 2020) summary of the science of mindfulness with specific recommendations on optimizing overall wellness to assistance improver performance and general health.

The bottom line I highly recommend this book...

NOTE: This is an audiobook review. This book is available every bit an Aural Original read by the authors
(Michael Gervais - a sports/performance psychologist with an extensive history of working with top athletes and Pete Carroll, head omnibus of the NFL Seattle Seahawks)

This is an upwards to date (Every bit of July 2020) summary of the science of mindfulness with specific recommendations on optimizing overall health to assist improver performance and general health.

The lesser line I highly recommend this book...to EVERYONE...from current couch irish potato to aspiring Olympian and for all ages.

The book is engagingly read, well organized, and well constructed.
It is short (6.v hrs) and focussed on giving construction and highlights (citing the reasons, the performance gains, etc...) without getting bogged down in too many details.

Information technology is available (as far as I know) but every bit an audible book, only information technology does come up with a helpful reference PDF. (Don't let that deter you lot, it's used effectively and is not required while listening to the book)

The volume starts with helping organize goals and mindset, moves to the merits of mindfulness, and concludes with a summary on optimizing recovery (sleep, diet, hydration, etc...) and the entire volume is filled with useful tips and practices from outset to end. (Note the nutrition section is very short, and appropriately and so, and guides y'all to other resources if that is of interest)

(Note: For more excellent information/introduction on mindfulness I strongly recommend the Educational activity Visitor's/Great Courses "The Science of Mindfulness audiobook cover art
The Science of Mindfulness: A Research-Based Path to Well-Beingness" past Ronald Siegel, which is as well available on Audible)

Anyways, the book should exist required reading (ok, listening) by anybody, immature and old. It'due south that of import.

I listened to this Audible original and enjoyed the practical exercises and tips on raise performance. Much of what he shares I had heard/read before but enjoyed the powerful questions he also raises such every bit challenging yourself to become comfortable with being uncomfortable and to await at your life through the lens of what is working RIGHT at present? There is a sports coach who offered some insights about how to utilise these principles in the sports. Since I am not a large sports fan I didn't discover his ins I listened to this Audible original and enjoyed the practical exercises and tips on raise performance. Much of what he shares I had heard/read earlier but enjoyed the powerful questions he also raises such as challenging yourself to become comfortable with being uncomfortable and to wait at your life through the lens of what is working Right now? There is a sports motorbus who offered some insights about how to apply these principles in the sports. Since I am not a big sports fan I didn't find his insights to be as useful. ...more than
Brian Grissom
Aug 01, 2020 rated it it was amazing
I was really excited to get this audiobook after have attention the Compete to Create seminars. Even without that experience this is a not bad mode to begin creating a foundation for competition and growth.
Wendy Kilgannon
A expert collection of tips that you'd observe in other self-assist books on authenticity and training your mind. Supplemented by stories and tips from NFL coach Pete Carroll, which add depth and real-earth context to the detail. Overall, a good heed and some helpful pointers. A skilful collection of tips that you'd find in other self-assistance books on authenticity and training your mind. Supplemented by stories and tips from NFL double-decker Pete Carroll, which add together depth and existent-world context to the detail. Overall, a good mind and some helpful pointers. ...more
February 08, 2021 rated it information technology was astonishing
Great audiobook- I wish there was a hard copy available. There are a lot of gems in this book that someone can immediately implement to be more than intentional about their life and their mindset. The author offers suggestions that are well researched mixed with more personal anecdotes.
Kevin Swick
Aug 25, 2020 rated it it was astonishing
Mike is a visionary. Actually well put together and clear. He breaks down how and what information technology means to be world class in a craft and in life.
Dan Mickle
Aug 26, 2020 rated it it was amazing
As a follower of Dr. Mike for a long fourth dimension, information technology was excited to hear about this project. It did not disappoint. A lot of dandy information and some neat PDF'due south to supplement information technology. I highly recommend.
Qin Xiao
Sep 22, 2020 rated information technology it was astonishing
Incredible book. The story on the ii-second recovery is very special to me.
Chase Englestead
I wish this would of been my first volume I read before I started coaching. I highly recommend!
Zack Rearick
Adequate, but there are other books in this space that I would recommend before this.
Anna Larson
This would probably be better as a physical book to reference.
Mikayla Oommen
May 27, 2021 rated information technology really liked information technology
Listened to this book with my Exercise Science Class! Very interesting and helpful.
Albert Chan
Apr 22, 2021 rated it really liked information technology
Pete Carroll is the head jitney of my favorite NFL team. He prides himself in do on competition, and believes the repeated exercise of it fosters excellence.

The primary thing I didn't like about this audiobook is that while Gervais' irecording sounds natural—probably because he wrote the volume—Caroll'due south illustrations aappear contrived, and awkwardly inserted in spots.

This 1 only comes in the audiobook format, so I listened to it a few times on walks.
I definitely enjoyed it!

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