Rotater Cuff When Can I Practice Yoga Again

Nosotros've all been there. You've been so into your practise that yous accidently pushed yourself besides far. Or, you are at the gym and overdo it with a shoulder workout.

No affair the cause, yous now accept to nurse a shoulder injury.

By now, y'all experience the benefits of your exercise non only in your body just also in your mind. So how can you allow your body heal without putting your practice on the backburner?

A Brief Glance at the Shoulders

Since the shoulders are ball-and-socket joints, they are ane of the most mobile joints in our bodies. This ball-and-socket structure allows many dissimilar types of motility but also means the joint is at higher gamble for injury.

For shoulder injuries in that location are two primary concerns:

  1. Loss of mobility due to joint and connective tissue injuries like tendonitis
  2. Loss of strength due to injury to the surrounding muscles

Start, yous take to accept note on where your sore shoulder stands on those fronts. Usually, the shoulder feels discomfort if the arm is raised higher up the head and if it bears weight.

This affects Downwards Facing Dog (and variations thereof) as well as standing postures in which your artillery are lifted, such as Warrior Ii and Urdhva Hastasana (Upwards Salute). More obviously, arm balances volition probable be as well risky with shoulder injuries. Only, don't feel discouraged! Yoga has the power to heal.

So, learning some piece of cake ways to modify postures that come up up oftentimes in class means that yous tin stay with your practice on the mat and take intendance of your injury.

Hither'south How to Modify 4 Mutual Yoga Poses for Shoulder Pain and Shoulder Injuries:

Here are some common postures you can change on your own in any grade and so you can still discover your zen on the mat!

Recommended Props: Although not necessary, we recommend the post-obit props to support your modified practice:

  • Yoga blocks
  • Yoga blanket
  • Yoga strap

one. Cobra Pose Modification: Infant Cobra


  • From lying prone on your abdomen, inhale to elevator your chest and shoulders off of the mat
  • Keep length through your whole spine
  • Pick to hover your hands an inch or so above the mat

Why this helps: This gentler variation keeps the weight out of your arms and focuses more on creating strength in the spine than mobilizing the shoulders.

ii. Warrior Two Modification: Hands to Hips


  • Detect Warrior Two legs past establishing a long opinion with your forepart toes facing the top of your mat and your dorsum toes roughly facing toward the side
  • To modify, place both easily on your hips instead of reaching in opposite directions
  • Still focus the energy of your arms and elbows in contrary directions

Why this helps: Past modifying your raised arms to a more than neutral position, the joint can have relief and time to residue and heal without causing further irritation.

3. Up Salute and Chair Pose Modifications: Samastitihi


  • For Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Salute), Utkatasana (Chair Pose), and all other standing postures in which the arms reach over caput, bring both hands to heart centre
  • Press evenly from your wrists to your fingertips to strengthen your wrists and shoulders
  • Lengthen through the crown of your caput
  • Soften your shoulders away from your ears

Why this helps: In improver to the neutral position as mentioned above, Samastitihi may also be beneficial for carpal tunnel syndrome. It stretches the flexor muscles in the wrists and forearms. It's also easy to adjust the intensity in this position for each individual practitioner.

4. Crow Pose Modification: Supta Bakasana

For Crow Pose and other weight-bearing postures, an easy way to modify is to flip them upside down! For example, Crow Pose can become Supta Bakasana, which is done lying on your back.


  • Start by laying down with your knees hugging in toward your chest
  • Appoint your core and lift your head, neck, and shoulders off of the mat
  • Reach upwardly as if you could plant your hands on the ceiling
  • From there, go on your big toes together and depict your knees open and toward your triceps
  • Engage your lower belly to create equal pressure level from the tops of your knees to your triceps and press your triceps into your knees

Why this helps: This pose is especially helpful to exercise on your back because it teaches exactly which muscles to engage and what position the trunk should be in to perform the full posture but information technology eliminates the force per unit area of gravity and your body weight on your arms.

Bonus: Shoulder Strengthener

For a bonus exercise, exercise strengthening your shoulders gently with a block and a strap.


  • Hold a block artillery-length altitude from your body, property the prop longways (You lot can besides cull to do this do with your elbows at your side)
  • Focusing your pressure equally throughout your hand and palm, press gently into the block for 10 to 30 seconds
  • Echo three times
  • Loop a strap and adjust it to shoulder-width altitude
  • Then place the strap above your elbows
  • With your arms either reaching direct out alee (as shown) or with your elbows at your sides, turn your palms to face each other and press your arms every bit in opposite directions
  • Hold for ten to xxx seconds
  • Repeat three times

Note: You should feel your muscles working hither, but if at that place is whatever hurting stop and encounter a physician or physical therapist.

Why this helps: Shoulder injuries tin create a loss of stability and strength. This creates more of an opportunity for malalignment which can cause impingement or inflammation. By using these two strengthening exercises, yous can strengthen the rotator gage.

The rotator gage is a grouping of muscles that surround the ball-and-socket joint to create stability within the glenohumeral joint (one of the 3 joints that brand up the very mobile shoulder complex).

Modify Your Practice for Shoulder Pain and Shoulder Injuries!

Accept you ever had to alter your practice for an injury?

Taking care of your body doesn't always mean putting your asana practice on agree. Use these suggestions to modify your class or home practise if you accept shoulder pain or any shoulder injuries.

Let us know how it goes in the comments below!

All included information is not intended to care for or diagnose. The views expressed are those of the author and should exist attributed solely to the writer. For medical questions, please consult your healthcare provider.

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